Testi di prove d’esame – Meccanica Razionale

dall’a.a. 2010-2011

Data C.d.L. (*) a cura della Dr.ssa Milena Archetti
03.09.2019 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
02.07.2019 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1Soluzioni (*)
12.06.2019 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1Soluzioni (*)
16.04.2019 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1Soluzioni (*)
15.01.2019 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1Soluzioni (*)
04.09.2018 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
02.07.2018 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
11.06.2018 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
26.03.2018 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
09.01.2018 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
04.09.2017 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
03.07.2017 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
12.06.2017 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
11.04.2017 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
10.01.2017 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
06.09.2016 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
27.06.2016 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
13.06.2016 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
22.03.2016 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
12.01.2016 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
01.09.2015 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
23.06.2015 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
09.06.2015 AUT-ELE-MAT-MEC F1
31.03.2015 EA F1
13.01.2015 EA F1
04.09.2014 EA F1
02.07.2014 EA F1
17.06.2014 EA F1
15.04.2014 EA F1
14.01.2014 EA F1
04.09.2013 EA F1
25.06.2013 EA F1
11.06.2013 EA F1
26.03.2013 EA F1
15.01.2013 EA F1
27.11.2012 EA F1
11.09.2012 EA F1
28.06.2012 EA F1
12.06.2012 EA F1
03.04.2012 EA F1
10.01.2012 EA F1
07.09.2011 EA F1
27.06.2011 EA F1
13.06.2011 EA F1
18.04.2011 EA F1
31.01.2011 EA F1
06.09.2010 EA F1
28.06.2010 EA F1
14.06.2010 EA F1

a.a. 2001-2002 — a.a. 2009-2010

Data C.d.L. Prima prova Seconda prova
26.01.2010 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
24.11.2009 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
01.09.2009 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
30.06.2009 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
16.06.2009 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
24.03.2009 AMBL – CIVL
10.03.2009 AMBQ – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
27.01.2009 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
10.12.2008 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
02.09.2008 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
08.07.2008 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
24.06.2008 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
27.03.2008 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
08.01.2008 AMBQ – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
11.12.2007 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
05.09.2007 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
17.07.2007 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
03.07.2007 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
03.04.2007 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
30.01.2007 AMBQ – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
05.12.2006 AMBL – CIVL
05.09.2006 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
25.07.2006 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
04.07.2006 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
11.04.2006 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
17.01.2006 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
06.12.2005 AMBL – CIVL
06.09.2005 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
12.07.2005 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
28.06.2005 AMBL – CIVL
14.06.2005 AMBQ – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
22.03.2005 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
11.01.2005 AMBQ – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
07.12.2004 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – MATQ – MECQ
14.09.2004 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
20.07.2004 AMBL – CIVL
07.07.2004 AMBL – AMBQ – CIVL – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ
14.06.2004 AMBQ – CIVQ – EDIQQ – MATQ – MECQ



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Testi di prove d’esame

Meccanica RazionaleProbabilità e Statistica

Esiti delle prove scritte

Meccanica RazionaleProbabilità e Statistica (A-L)
21 gennaio 202529 gennaio 2025


About me


  1. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Pointwise stabilization in the laminated beam model, Asymptot. Anal., to appear.
  2. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Existence and exponential decay for a contact problem between two dissipative beams, J. Elast., 156 (2024) 571-595.
  3. N. Bazarra, I. Bochicchio, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of a double Timoshenko beam model, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 537 (2024), no. 1, 128315.
  4. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Pointwise stabilization of Bresse systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 74, 218 (2023).
  5. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Stability to Signorini problem with pointwise damping, Appl. Math. Optim. 88, 61 (2023).
  6. G. Gilioli, A. Simonetto, M. Colturato, N. Bazarra, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, D. Boscia, D. Bosco, C. Dongiovanni, A. Maiorano, O. Mosbach-Schulz, J.A. Navas Cortés, M. Saponari, An eco-epidemiological model supporting rational disease management of Xylella fastidiosa. An application to the outbreak in Apulia (Italy), Ecol. Modell., 476, (2023), 110226.
  7. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, About the stability to Timoshenko system with pointwise dissipation, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, 15 (2022), no. 8, 2289–2303.
  8. N. Bazarra, M. Colturato, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, A. Simonetto, G. Gilioli, Analysis of a mathematical model arising in plant disease epidemiology, Appl. Math. Optim., 85, Article number: 19 (2022).
  9. S. Carillo, M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, F. Zullo, Non-rectification of heat in graded Si-Ge alloys, In: Lacarbonara, W., Balachandran, B., Leamy, M.J., Ma, J., Tenreiro Machado, J.A., Stepan, G. (eds) Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics. NODYCON Conference Proceedings Series (2022), Springer, Cham.
  10. N. Bazarra, I. Bochicchio, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Thermoelastic Bresse system with dual-phase-lag model, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 72, 102 (2021).
  11. M.I.M. Copetti, T. El Arwadi, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, W. Youssef, Analysis of a contact problem for a viscoelastic Bresse system, ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 55 (2021), no. 3, 887 – 911.
  12. I.Bochicchio, M.G.Naso, E.Vuk, F.Zullo, Convecting–radiating fins: Explicit solutions, efficiency and optimization, Appl. Math. Model.,89 (2021), 171-187.
  13. N. Bazarra, I. Bochicchio, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of a contact problem problem involving an elastic body with dual phase lag, Appl. Math. Optim., 83 (2021), no.2, 939-977.
  14. I. Bochicchio, M. Campo, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of a thermoelastic Timoshenko beam model, Acta Mech., 231 (2020), 4111–4127.
  15. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, F. Zullo, On the optimization of heat rectification in graded materials, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 143 (2019), Art. 118520.
  16. N. Bazarra, I. Bochicchio, E. Casarejos, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of a contact problem involving thermoelastic mixtures, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 479 (2019), no.2, 2032-2055.
  17. M. Campo, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, A dynamic problem involving a coupled suspension bridge system: numerical analysis and computational experiments, Evol. Equ. Control Theory, 8 (2019), no.3, 489-502.
  18. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Boundary stabilization of Bresse systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 70 (2019), no. 2, Art. 56, 16 pp.
  19. M. Campo, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Dynamics of nonlinear thermoelastic double-beam systems, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 72 (2019), no.2, 235-259.
  20. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, About the stability to Timoshenko system with one boundary dissipation, Appl. Math. Lett., 86 (2018), 111-118.
  21. N. Bazarra, A. Berti, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of contact problems in porous thermoelastic solids, J. Thermal Stresses, 41 (2018), no.4, 439-468.
  22. A. Magaña, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, R. Quintanilla, Qualitative results for a mixture of Green-Lindsay thermoelastic solids, Chaotic Modeling and Simulation, July 2018, num. 3, p. 285-294.
  23. A. Berti, M.G. Naso, A contact problem of a thermoelastic rod with voids and microtemperatures, ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 97 (2017), no.6, 670-685.
  24. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, R. Quintanilla, Decay of solutions for a mixture of thermoelastic solids with different temperatures, Comput. Math. Appl., 71 (2016), no.4, 991-1009.
  25. A. Berti, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, A contact problem for a thermoelastic Timoshenko beam, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 66 (2015), no. 4, 1969-1986.
  26. A. Berti, M.I.M. Copetti, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, A dynamic thermoviscoelastic contact problem with the second sound effect, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 421 (2015), no. 2, 1163-1195.
  27. C. Giorgi, D. Guidetti, M.G. Naso, Preface [Special issue on mathematical models and analytical problems in modern continuum thermomechanics dedicated to Mauro Fabrizio]. Evol. Equ. Control Theory 3 (2014), no. 3, i-ii.
  28. A. Berti, M.I.M. Copetti, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of a dynamic contact problem involving a nonlinear thermoviscoelastic beam with second sound, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014, (2014) 1043-1053.
  29. A. Berti, M.I.M. Copetti, J.R. Fernández, M.G. Naso, Analysis of dynamic nonlinear thermoviscoelastic beam problems, Nonlinear Anal., 95 (2014), 774-795.
  30. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Mathematical Models of Reissner-Mindlin Thermoviscoelastic Plates. In R.B. Hetnarski (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses (ETS), Vol 1, pp. 2899-2907, Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, 2014.
  31. M.G. Naso, Asymptotic behavior in time. In R.B. Hetnarski (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses (ETS), Vol 1, pp. 251-257, Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, 2014.
  32. M.G. Naso, Existence and Uniqueness, solutions of thermoelastodynamics. In R.B. Hetnarski (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses (ETS), Vol 1, pp. 1471-1474, Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, 2014.
  33. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, R. Quintanilla, Decay of solutions for a mixture of thermoelastic one dimensional solids, Comput. Math. Appl., 66 (2013), no. 1, 41-55.
  34. A. Berti, M.G. Naso, Vibrations of a damped extensible beam between two stops, Evol. Equ. Control Theory, 2 (2013), no. 1, 35-54.
  35. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Modeling and steady state analysis of the extensible thermoelastic beam, Math. Comput. Modelling, 53 (2011), no. 5-6, 896-908.
  36. A. Berti, M.G. Naso, Unilateral dynamic contact of two viscoelastic beams, Quart. Appl. Math., 69 (2011), no. 3, 477-507.
  37. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Optimal energy decay rate for a class of weakly dissipative second-order systems with memory, Appl. Math. Lett., 23 (2010), no. 7, 743-746.
  38. G. Bonfanti, M. Fabrizio, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, On the energy decay for a thermoelastic contact problem involving heat transfer, J. Thermal Stresses, 33 (2010), no. 11, 1049-1065.
  39. G. Bonfanti, M.G. Naso, A dynamic contact problem between two thermoelastic beams, Applied and industrial mathematics in Italy III, Ser. Adv. Math. Appl. Sci., World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009, pp.123-133.
  40. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, V. Pata, M.Potomkin, Global attractors for the extensible thermoelastic beam system, J. Differential Equations, 246 (2009), no. 9, 3496-3517.
  41. G. Bonfanti, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Global existence and exponential stability for a contact problem between two thermoelastic beams, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 345 (2008), no. 1, 186-202.
  42. M.G. Naso, On the vibrations of two thermoelastic beams in unilateral dynamic contact, AIMETA 2007 – XVIII Congresso Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Brescia, 2007), 357, Starrylink Editrice, Brescia, 2007.
  43. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, About Asymptotic Behavior for a Transmission Problem in Hyperbolic Thermoelasticity, Acta Appl. Mat., 99 (2007), no. 1, 1-27.
  44. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Asymptotic stability of semigroups associated with linear weak dissipative systems with memory, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 326 (2007), 691–707.
  45. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, On the decay of the energy for systems with memory with indefinite dissipation, Asymptot. Anal., 49 (2006), no. 3-4, 189-204.
  46. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Mathematical models of Reissner-Mindlin thermo-viscoelastic plates, J. Thermal Stresses, 29 (2006), no. 7, 699-716.
  47. M.G. Naso, Control problems for Euler-Bernoulli thermoelastic plates without memory and thermoelastic systems with memory, in proceedings of “Control Systems: Theory, Numerics and Applications”, PoS(CSTNA2005)014.
  48. M.G. Naso, F.M. Vegni, Asymptotic behavior of the energy to a thermo-viscoelastic Mindlin-Timoshenko plate with memory, Int. J. of Pure and Appl. Math., 21 (2005), no. 2, 175-198.
  49. M.G. Naso, Controllability to trajectories for semilinear thermoelastic plates, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., suppl. (2005), 672-681.
  50. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, V. Pata, Energy decay of electromagnetic systems with memory, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 15 (2005), no. 10, 1489-1502.
  51. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Exact controllability for hyperbolic thermoelastic systems with large memory , Adv. Differential Equations, 9 (2004), no.11-12, 1369-1394.
  52. M. Fabrizio, C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Viscoelastic solids of exponential type. II. Free energies, stability and attractors, Meccanica, 39 (2004), no.6, 547-561.
  53. M. Fabrizio, C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Viscoelastic solids of exponential type. I. Minimal representations and controllability of the state space, Meccanica, 39 (2004), no.6, 531-546.
  54. P. Gervasio, M.G. Naso, Numerical approximation of controllability of trajectories for Euler-Bernoulli thermoelastic plates, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 14, (2004),no. 5, 701-733.
  55. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, F.M. Vegni, Asymptotic behavior of the energy for a class of weakly dissipative second-order systems with memory, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 286 (2003), no.2, 692-704.
  56. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Asymptotic behavior of the energy for electromagnetic systems with memory, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 7 (2004), 819-841.
  57. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Exact boundary controllability in thermoelasticity with memory, Adv. Differential Equations, 8 (2003), no.4, 471-490.
  58. A. Benabdallah, M.G. Naso, Null controllability of a thermoelastic plate, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 7 (2002), no.11, 585-599.
  59. A. Marzocchi, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Asymptotic behavior and exponential stability for a transmission problem in thermoelasticity, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 25 (2002), no.11, 955-980.
  60. A. Benabdallah, M.G. Naso, Thermoelastic plate with thermal interior control, Mathematical models and methods for smart materials (Cortona, 2001), 247–250, Ser. Adv. Math. Appl. Sci., 62, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2002.
  61. A. Marzocchi, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Transmission problem in thermoelasticity with symmetry , IMA J. Appl. Math. 68 (2003), no.1, 23-46.
  62. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Uniform attractors for a semilinear evolution problem in hereditary simple fluids, Internat. J. Engrg. Sci. 40 (2002), no.7, 727-742.
  63. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, On the exponential stability of electromagnetic systems with memory, Int. Math. J. 1 (2002), no.6, 575-590.
  64. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, V. Pata, Exponential stability in linear heat conduction with memory: a semigroup approach, Commun. Appl. Anal. 5 (2001), no.1, 121-133.
  65. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Exponential stability in viscoelastic and elastic systems with thermal memory, Int. J. Differ. Equ. Appl. 2 (2001), 55-91.
  66. M.G. Naso, Exponential stability of a linear viscoelastic plate with thermal memory , Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (6) 3 (2000), 37-56.
  67. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Mathematical models of thin thermo-viscoelastic plates , Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 53 (2000), 363-374.
  68. C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, Exponential stability of a linear viscoelastic bar with thermal memory, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.(4) 178 (2000), 45-66.

Internal reports
  1. J.E. Muñoz Rivera, M.G. Naso, Mixture of three interacting thermoelastic continua: a semigroup approach, Quad. Sem. Mat. Brescia 43 (2009).
  2. E. Fernández Cara, M.G. Naso, Boundary controllability for a wave equation with memory, Quad. Sem. Mat. Brescia 20 (2005).
  3. M.G. Naso, Modélisation, contrôle, stabilité et approximation numérique des modèles thermo- et (ou) visco-élastiques, Thèse n. 967, UFR des Sciences et des Thechniques, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, July 2003.
  4. M.G. Naso, Extension of the controllability concept from the finite dimension to the infinite dimension: exact, approximate, null controllability, D.E.A Mathématiques et Applications, UFR des Sciences et des Thechniques, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, October 2000.

Other publications
  1. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Meccanica Razionale. Temi d’esame 1999/2000, Snoopy, Brescia, June 2001.
  2. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Fisica Matematica. Temi d’esame 1998/’99, Snoopy, Brescia, March 2000.
  3. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Meccanica Razionale. Temi d’esame 1998/’99, Snoopy, Brescia, March 2000.
  4. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Meccanica Razionale. Temi d’esame 1997/’98, Snoopy, Brescia, November 1999.
  5. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Meccanica Razionale. Temi d’esame 1996/’97, Snoopy, Brescia, July 1999.
  6. M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, Meccanica Razionale. Temi d’esame 1995/’96, Snoopy, Brescia, June 1999.

Copyright notice

Copyright © 1997-2025 M.G. Naso – all rights reserved

Material published by the author on these web pages is copyrighted and may be reproduced only for personal use.
Any other use or publication of the material contained within this website is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the author.

I contenuti del sito possono essere scaricati per uso personale e non commerciale.
In assenza di autorizzazione, nulla, neppure in parte, può essere copiato, modificato o rivenduto per fini di lucro, o per trarne qualsivoglia utilità.



  • Materials with memory and hysteresis: analytical problems, thermodynamics and phase transitions.
  • Binary fluid and solid mixtures.
  • Viscoelasticity and thermo-viscoelasticity.
  • Evolution and control problems in advanced materials and complex structures.
  • Dynamics of multibody systems.
  • Stability problems.

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